Saturday, April 17, 2010

Happy 8 Months to our Baby Girl!

SO hard to believe Giana turned 8 months old this week!!! It is incredible how fast the time has flown. She is just changing every day. Her new thing is to help me turn the pages when we read books together. She also LOVES playing peek-a-boo with us. Will automatically put her head down and pretend she is hiding. She keeps trying and trying to crawl foward. She is SO, SO close and has inched forward a few times, but ends up just rolling around until she reaches what she wants. We have signed her up for Mommy and Me swimming lessons that start in a few weeks. Very excited to see how she reacts to the water. She loves bath time and doesn't mind at all when the water comes over her face. Have to get her ready for the beach!! She has been trying some new foods. She loves yogurt and little bits of mozzarella cheese. I still need to make some mango for her. She is such a great eater and pretty much scarfs up everything. We're still trying the sippy cup, but all she does is bite it. She hasn't figured out how to drink from it yet. In time. ;)
I feel like before we know it she will be 1! AHHH!


  1. Oh my goodness, I don't want to think about her turning 1! Where has the time gone! We can hardly wait to see our precious little grandbaby, missing her soo much!!! Give her hugs and kisses from Oma and Pops!!

  2. Happy 8 months - wait, how did that happen?!?
