Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Computer crashed ;(
So, our computer is dead, so no pics for a bit until we get a new computer soon. A little update on Miss G. She rolled over this weekend!!!!! I think I squealed when it happened. She loves being under her playmat and grabbing at all her little toys hanging down. She's just "talking" and "talking" because she gets so excited. Her arms and legs start flying all around. She's cracks me up. We've been using our video camera lots lately to capture our little ladybug. Her personality is coming out more and more!She also obsesses her Baby Einstein videos. Will sit in her swing for the entire video and smiles and laughs at it. A great distraction while we get ready for work!! We had a great Thanksgiving with Mike's family. Though Giana gets overwhelmed with big crowds and clings to her Mama and Daddy. She's still adjusting to daycare, but it's getting better each week. We just booked our flights to go home to Missouri for Christmas. It will be a very short visit, but am thrilled we get to spend Giana's 1st Christmas with my family and they all get to enjoy her!! We had Giana's Christmas pics taken a few weeks ago and I'm going to pick them up tonight. They turned out great. Just want to eat her up. So, stay tuned for pictures.........sometime soon. ;)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
It's been too long!
So, I know I haven't posted in forever! Sorry! It was crazy with going back to work, then our computer was hit with a virus. So, hopefully I can post some pics soon! Miss Giana is getting so big! ;) We went to the dr last week and she is up to 13.4 lbs, 24 inches. She's getting to be just so much fun! Smiling, making sounds and bubbles, discovering her feet, on the verge of grabbing things. She is very good with sitting in her Bumbo. And whenever we lay her down anywhere she always strains trying to lift her head up. Loves to sit up. ;) Mike is putting together her Exersaucer since she is always wanting to stand up on her legs when she is in our laps. I think she'll really like it!! And my friend Annie was telling me about a Jumperoo that I want to look for too. We just had her Christmas pics taken this weekend. Of course I had her all decked out in a fancy dress, tights, patent Mary Jane's, etc. She was so smiley for about 10 pics, then she decide she as done. But more than enough!! I'm just getting so excited for her first Christmas, even though she won't remember a second of it. HA.
She's been rubbing her head, so she has the bald spot going on in the back of her head. Too funny. Hopefully our computer is fixed soon, knock on wood and I'll post some pics as soon as I can!! Hope everyone has a Happy Turkey Day!! I'm quite excited for 4 1/2 days home with my Baby Girl!!!
She's been rubbing her head, so she has the bald spot going on in the back of her head. Too funny. Hopefully our computer is fixed soon, knock on wood and I'll post some pics as soon as I can!! Hope everyone has a Happy Turkey Day!! I'm quite excited for 4 1/2 days home with my Baby Girl!!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Back at Work
Well, it's been a hectic week and it's only Wednesday! I haven't had a chance to post pics of our little ladybug from Halloween. Hopefully this wkd I'll get to it. With getting up early and the long commute into/back from the city, all I want to do when I get home is eat up that little girl!!! I miss her so incredibly much! Thank goodness my parents are here this week to help take care of her while Mike and I are at work. It has made the transition alot better and I feel more at ease when I'm at work. In a week, she'll start going to daycare MWF and with Mike's Mom on Tuesday's and Thursday's. Lots to arrange!!! I've had the fun time of pumping at work. Hanging out in the bathroom stall pumping-- weird feeling!
Giana is doing great though. Growing, growing!!! Her little gassy tummy is slowly getting better. Thank goodness! She is still cooing and smiling all the time. And her favorite pastime is eating her hands and fingers. She now follows you with her eyes when ever you talk to her, walk into/out of a room. And she does not like to be left out at dinner. Whenever we eat, she wants to be right up there with us seeing and hearing everything that is going on.
I'll post pics this wkd!!
Giana is doing great though. Growing, growing!!! Her little gassy tummy is slowly getting better. Thank goodness! She is still cooing and smiling all the time. And her favorite pastime is eating her hands and fingers. She now follows you with her eyes when ever you talk to her, walk into/out of a room. And she does not like to be left out at dinner. Whenever we eat, she wants to be right up there with us seeing and hearing everything that is going on.
I'll post pics this wkd!!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Here and There
So, this is my last week of maternity leave and I'm dreading going back to the city for work like crazy!!! I can't imagine being away from Giana for so long, and to be so far away. Luckily, my parents are driving up and will take care of her the first week at least that I'm back at work. Will put my mind at ease a bit. Though I'm sure the tears will be flowing. It makes my heart hurt just thinking about it. It will get better with time I'm sure!!
So, big step for Giana this week. She moved into her room and into her crib. YAY! She's slowly adjusting. Getting better each day. And we moved into our new bedroom Mike renovated. I need to take some pics to show it off. Love it. ;)
Giana's new thing is to eat her hands.
We went to a pumpkin patch up here in NY. Got some cute pics!
So, big step for Giana this week. She moved into her room and into her crib. YAY! She's slowly adjusting. Getting better each day. And we moved into our new bedroom Mike renovated. I need to take some pics to show it off. Love it. ;)
Giana's new thing is to eat her hands.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The last of the MO pics
Trip Home to Missouri
Random Pics
I've been slow to update the blog again. OOPS! We just got back from Missouri and had a fabulous time. Miss Giana got to meet so many new family members, friends, etc. She was great, except her little gassy tummy gave her so much trouble. I think she is excited to be back in her regular routine, but misses everyone of course. She did amazing on the plane both times though. We got lucky and had a whole row to ourselves. She had a bunch of firsts- eating out a restaurants, going to the pumpkin patch, zoo, meeting her boyfriend Jack ( HA!) , and so much more. We went to the dr today and she is doing great. Up to 12.8 lbs and 22.4 inches. She had to get 2 shots today and luckily Mike was able to come with me. I couldn't watch. But she quickly recovered from the crying. Tough girl. Next month she luckily gets off from shots. YAY. Well, I have tons of pics to post and am still awaiting lots more from my sisters and Mom from our trip. So, stay tuned. The pics above are from before our trip.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
I told you I was posting a TON of pics. ;)
Pictures Galore!
Ok, finally got some time to post some pics! So, here goes.....
Giana is getting so big!!! Smiling all the time! Still trying to capture it because our camera is too slow. She is really focusing when you talk to her, looking at bright colors. She is also content if I let her hang out in her bouncer, bassinet. And just gets cuter and cuter each day!!
Not in focus- but a little bit of a smile. ;)
Love this one up close.
Giana is getting so big!!! Smiling all the time! Still trying to capture it because our camera is too slow. She is really focusing when you talk to her, looking at bright colors. She is also content if I let her hang out in her bouncer, bassinet. And just gets cuter and cuter each day!!
Not in focus- but a little bit of a smile. ;)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Crazy week......
Sorry, I haven't gotten the chance to post any new pics this week! Little Miss Giana has been having some tough nights with little gas hurting her. ;( But last night she was great! So, knocking on wood!! But, she is growing, growing! Each day her little legs seem longer, taking after her Daddy! And she is SMILING!!!! Love it! More and more each day. I keep trying to capture it, but our camera isn't fast enough. Today she is having her first little playdate. Popular already! HA. I'll definitely post pics tomorrow!!
Monday, September 21, 2009
One more cute pic ;)
Giana is 5 weeks old!
Giana is now 5 weeks old and is also quite the little chunky monkey! I took her to the dr. last week and she is up to 10 lbs, 4oz! She is eating quite well. ;) She is doing great otherwise. She is still up about every 3 hours in the night. Mike has decided she has stinky feet already. I think he is crazy and her little toes smell delish!
We've been taking her outside all the time. She loves it and it also seems to calm her down when she is upset. We've been lucky because the weather has been perfect.
It's so funny, Giana already seems to like watching tv! Whenever we have it on, her head automatically turns that way and she is tuned in. Below is a picture of us watching together.
Tummy time. She is great at lifting her head up.
We've been taking her outside all the time. She loves it and it also seems to calm her down when she is upset. We've been lucky because the weather has been perfect.
It's so funny, Giana already seems to like watching tv! Whenever we have it on, her head automatically turns that way and she is tuned in. Below is a picture of us watching together.
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