Monday, October 4, 2010

Months too late!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Flowergirl at my sister Liv's wedding

Officially enough hair for pigtails!!

Ok, how horrible am I??????????? It was a crazy hectic summer and I have just gotten out of sync of doing the blog! I will get back on!!!! Here are just a few pics of Giana from the summer, etc. She is doing so well! Turned 1 on August 15th!! She is officially walking all over, talking lots!! And tries to repeat everything we say. Her favorite word is definitely "light". She says it a million times a day- whenever she sees a light, wants a light on, etc. ;) She's still such a love bug and we can't believe how big she is getting! I will get back in the habit of blogging and posting pics of a little girl!!


  1. Cutie pie for sure! Can't wait to see her in just 1 month! And...of course you too!
