Monday, August 3, 2009

Lucky Girl

So, this weekend I turned the big 30! AH!! Obviously it was pretty low key as our Baby Girl could be arriving at any time. But, Mike made it a great day for me! ;) When I woke up he had the whole downstairs area decorated, got us breakfast, and went above and beyond for gifts. I'm a lucky girl. ;) He got me this gorgeous necklace that represents us and our Baby Girl to come with 3 diamonds.. our family.. ;) We also went to dinner and movie. A fun day for sure!
I had another dr appt on Friday. My cervix is now soft( sorry if that TMI!!), but otherwise, everything else is the same. Except I had lost 4 lbs... crazy! I go back on Thursday, so hopefully some more progress then!! I officially had my last day at work on Friday! YAHOO! Doesn't feel like I'm off for 3 months yet......
The gorgeous necklace Mike got me!!
Some of the decorations Mike surprised me with


  1. Gorgeous necklace!!! What a guy! Glad you had such a great b-day. Looking forward to being with you all very soon.

  2. Love the necklace and how cute that he decorated!!

  3. YAY! balloons, streamers, and a very nice gift!
