Sunday, May 31, 2009

Belly Pic

This is the latest belly pic. This Tuesday I will be 30 weeks along!!! Only a couple more months to go!! Am still feeling pretty good! Just not sleeping well at night and my tailbone is a killer. But, well worth it! I had my glucose/diabetic test this week for gestational diabetes and it came back my levels were elevated. So, now I have to go back for a 3 hour test on Tuesday to determine if I have it. We'll see. At our appt last week, the Baby Girl's heartbeat was a lot higher than it had been, was up to 156. But our dr said this was normal because she is moving around so much more now, which is very true! Some of her movements are so big that take me aback! I love it though. ;)


  1. How cute you look! Can't wait to see you at the beach! What fun we'll have.

  2. Dog you look like you haven't gained anything since the shower! Can't wait to feel that little "G" moving around in a few weeks!
